Undercarriage Parts for Komatsu PC60-5 Excavator
Part Number
Lower Roller;track roller
PC60U-5, PC60L-5, PC60-5
Drive Sprocket
PC60U-5, PC60U-5, PC60U-3, PC60L-5, PC60-5, PC60-3
Front Idler
PC70-6S, PC70-6S, PC70-6, PC60U-5, PC60L-6, PC60L-5, PC60-6Z, PC60-6S, PC60-6C, PC60-6, PC60-5
Upper Roller;Carrier Roller
PF3-1, PC80LC-3, PC80-3, PC60U-5, PC60U-3, PC60L-5, PC60-5, PC60-3, PC120SS-3, PC120S-3, PC120-3, PC100US-3, PC100U-3, PC100SS-3, PC100S-3, PC100-3
Track shoe,Master Pin Type,400mm wide
Track Chain;track link,(42 link,one side)
PC60-3, PC60U-3, PC60-5, PC60U-5
Track shoe bolt with Nut
PC60U-5, PC60U-3, PC60L-5, PC60-5, PC60-3, PC60-2, PC50UU-2, PC50UU-1, PC50UG-2, PC50UD-2, PC45-1, PC40R-7, PC40-7, PC40-6, PC40-3, PC40-2, PC40-1, PC38UU-1, DDM020-5L, DDM020-5K-AT, DDM020-5K-AC, D21S-6, D21S-5, D21Q-6, D21Q-5, D21PL-6, D21PL-5, D21P-6B, D21P-6A, D21P-6, D21P-5A, D21P-5, D21P-3, D21E-6, D21A-6, D21A-5, D21A-3, D20S-6, D20S-5, D20Q-6, D20Q-5, D20PLL-6, D20PL-6, D20PL-5, D20PL-3, D20P-6A, D20P-6, D20P-5A, D20P-5, D20P-3, D20A-6, D20A-5, D20A-3, D20A-2, CS360SD-2, BC100-1, 10-HT-1
Sprocket Bolt
BR200T-1A, BR300S-1, BR300J-1, BR200T-1, BR200S-1, BR200R-1, BR200J-1, BR200-1, BR100RG-1, BR100R-1, BR100JG-1, BR100J-1, BF60-1, BC100-1, 6D125E-2H-5, 6D125E-2G-5, 6D125E-2F-5, 6D125E-2E, 6D125E-2D-5, 6D125-1XX-B, 6D125-1XX, 6D125-1W, 6D125-1VV, 6D125-1UU, 6D125-1TT, 6D125-1H, 6D125-1F, 6D125-1EE-EW, 6D125-1EE, 6D125-1D-EA, 6D125-1DD-EW, 6D125-1DD, 6D125-1D, 6D125-1C-EA, 6D125-1C, 6D125-1B-PL, 6D125-1B-P, 6D125-1B-EP, 6D125-1B-EL, 6D125-1A-EA, 6D125-1A, 568, 330M, WA600-1H, WS23S-2A, GD655A-3, FB05-3, CD110R-1-N, PC50UU-1, D65A-8, D65P-8, PC70-6, PC70-6, PC75UU-1, PC650LC-3, PC650-5, PC710SE-5, PC710-5, PC650SE-5, PC650LC-5, PC650SE-3, PC650SE-5, PC40-5, PC40-3, PC30-5, PC45-1, PC200-2, PC400LC-3, PC400LC, PC400-3, PC400-5D, PC410LC-5, PC410-5, PC60-6, PC60-5
01010-51465, 0101051465
Track roller Bolt
WS23S-2A, WS23S-1, WR11SS-1, WR11-1, WA180-1, WA150-1, WA100SSS-1, WA100SS-1, WA100-1, PF5LC-1, PF5-1, PC75UU-2E, PC75UU-2, PC75UU-1, PC75UD-2E, PC75UD-2, PC710SE-5, PC710-5, PC70-7E-B, PC70-7E, PC70-7-B, PC70-7, PC70-6S, PC70-6, PC650SE-5, PC650SE-3, PC650LC-5, PC650LC-3, PC650-5, PC650-3, PC60U-5, PC60L-6, PC60L-5, PC60-7S-B, PC60-7S, PC60-7E-B, PC60-7E, PC60-7-B, PC60-7, PC60-6Z, PC60-6S, PC60-6C, PC60-6, PC60-5, PC400LC-3, PC400-3, PC300SC-6, PC300LC-3, PC300-3, PC240LC-3K, PC220LC-6Z, PC220LC-5C, PC220LC-3, PC220-6Z, PC220-5C, PC220-3, PC20-7, PC200LC-6Z, PC200LC-5C, PC200LC-3, PC200-6Z, PC200-5Z, PC200-5C, PC200-3, PC1600-1-A, PC1600-1, PC15-3, PC130-6G, PC130-6, PC128UU-1, PC120-6Z-A1, PC120-6Z, PC120-6S, PC120-6J, PC120-6H, PC120-6, PC10-7, PC100N-6, PC100L-6, PC100-6S, PC100-6, PC1000SE-1, PC1000LC-1, PC1000-1, PC08UU-1-A, PC08UU-1, HD785-2, HD785-1S, HD785-1L, HD785-1, HD780-1, HD680-2, HD465-3, HD325-6W, HD325-5, HD325-2, HD320-2, HD205-3, GD725A-1, GD705A-4, GD705A-3A, GD705A-3, D75A-1, D70LE-8, D70-LE, D65P-8, D65P-11D, D65P-11, D65E-8, D65A-8, D65A-11D, D65A-11, D60PL-8, D60P-8, D60P-11D, D60P-11, D60E-8, D60A-8, D60A-11D, D60A-11, D57S-1B, S6D108-1, D57S-1, D55S-3, D53P-17, D53A-17, D50PL-17, D50P-17,D50P-15, D50A-17, D41P-5A, D41P-5, D41A-5, D40PLL-5, D40PL-5, D40PF-5, D40P-5A, D40P-5, D40AM-5, D40A-5, D375A-2, D375A-1, D31S-18, D31Q-18, D31PLL-18, D31PL-18, D31P-18A, D31P-18, D31P-17A, D31E-17, D275A-2, D21S-7, D21S-6, D21QG-7, D21QG-6, D21Q-7,D21Q-6, D21PL-7, D21PL-6, D21PG-7A, D21P-7T, D21P-7A, D21P-6B, D21P-6A, D21P-6, D21E-6, D21AG-7, D21A-7T, D21A-7, D21A-6, D155A-2, S6D155-4, D155A-1, D150A-1, CS360-2, CS360-1, BR310JG-1, BR300S-1, BR300J-1, BR200S-1, BR200R-1, BR200J-1, BR200-1, BR100RG-1, BR100R-1, BR100JG-1, BR100J-1, BP500-3, BF60-1
201-32-00131, 2013200131
201-32-00130, 2013200130
Track-Link Ass'y(one side)
PC60-3, PC60U-3, PC60-5, PC60U-5 This product is meticulously designed to ensure exceptional performance and durability, making it an ideal choice for various industrial and engineering applications. Specifically engineered for maximum efficiency, Optimized for Komatsu PC60-5 Excavator - Undercarriage Parts provides unparalleled performance in challenging environments. Its robust construction ensures durability, while its design meets the diverse needs of industrial and engineering tasks. Whether for maintenance, repair, or upgrades, this product guarantees superior functionality and reliability. An excellent choice for professionals seeking quality and precision.